Let's Talk BBQ

Recipes => Recipes => Pork Recipes => Topic started by: CDN Smoker on April 30, 2014, 08:30:08 PM

Title: Wrapping rib question
Post by: CDN Smoker on April 30, 2014, 08:30:08 PM
When you foil your ribs are you making tight folds to make a tight seal?

Only reason I'm asking is because I can't make big boy ribs yet :(

Many Thanks ;D
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: smokendevo on April 30, 2014, 08:59:22 PM
When you foil your ribs are you making tight folds to make a tight seal?

Only reason I'm asking is because I can't make big boy ribs yet :(

Many Thanks ;D

I'm no expert here but when i do they are sealed pretty good. I don't want the steam or juices to run out. I don't do many ribs but the ones I have done turned out pretty good.
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: smokendevo on April 30, 2014, 09:03:07 PM
Criss tenpoint5 has a good post over on the bradley site for ribs. This is what I follow and they turn out perfect. Hope you don't mind me posting this Criss

Since we have quite a few new folks here on the forum and it seems that everyone wants to do Ribs or Chicken for their first smoke. I thought I would try to help out with a pictorial of how I make my ribs.

How To Make Ribs in a Bradley

First let me begin by saying that making ribs is like combing your hair. EVERYBODY does it different!! This pictorial is of how I make ribs in the Bradley Smoker. It is ment to be a guideline for you to follow and make adjustments when and where you deem necessary in order to make your ribs YOURS.

I am using Pork Spare ribs in this pictorial, I also found some Boneless Pork Loin Ribs that needed some loving as well.

Once you have your ribs out of the package and drained.


You will want to remove the membrane on the inside of the ribs. This can be done by sliding the handle of a spoon under the membrane to loosen it up and get it started.


Once you have the membrane started. Grab a hold of it and pull firmly and gently. Until you have the membrane removed. If it breaks just start again until you have it removed.


Now that you have the membrane removed it is time to apply your rub. Apply your rub to both sides of the ribs. I personally like a heavy even coating.



Cover your ribs with plastic wrap and place in the fridge to marinate either overnight or for 3-4 hours.


After the ribs have marinated bring them up to room temp. This will help lessen the temperature drop when you put them in the Bradley, and speeding up the heat recovery from when you opened the door, and put the ribs in.


Some Boneless Pork loin Ribs


Once your Bradley has come up to temperature (I like 225*) and the smoke has started to roll.  Put the ribs in the smoker.


I apply 3 hours of Hickory, You can use the Flavor of your choice. After 3 hours of smoke Shut off Smoke Generator. Wrap your ribs in foil with a splash of Apple Juice, My Favorite is Apple Raspberry.


Return the rib packets to the smoker for 1 or 2 hours (1 Baby Backs, 2 Spares) After the ribs have spent their time in the foil wrap. Remove them from the smoker and remove from the foil. Your ribs are just about done. Might even look done, but there is one more step. You have to sauce them.



After Putting the Sauce on the ribs place them back in the Bradley for 1 hour. The ribs will stiffen back up and the sauce will set. The meat should tell you when it is ready, The meat will pull back from the bone, as you can see in the picture. The bigger half of the slab didn’t pull back because it sprung a leak while in the foil.


Your ribs are now Ready to cut up and enjoy!!


Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: spuds on April 30, 2014, 09:08:18 PM
Absolute artwork.
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: Jaxon on April 30, 2014, 09:38:12 PM
I'm just a backyard jack, but I like to spritz the ribs about every 30 minutes or so.  I use a mixture of 2/3 apple juice to 1/3 grenadine (sweet, red, thickened syrup).  It gives the ribs a sweeter taste and the grenadine caramelizes a bit to a nice smooth glaze.  My neighbor who cooks in comps like to use this spritz...even sprays it onto his coals as he cooks.

just sayin'...
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: teesquare on April 30, 2014, 09:56:24 PM
Let's start with 2 different outcomes:

Restaurant style ribs - some people like super tender..."fall -off - the - bone" ribs. These can be achieved a few different ways - but let's stick to wrap/no wrap at this time. When you wrap the ribs - you are trapping moisture. But - you are also preventing the bark from forming as well. You can make up some for the lack of bark by un-wrapping - and finishing them on a grill at higher heat...but the bark will not be completely developed. Again - this is not a right vs wrong - it is really whichever you prefer.

Like Jaxon's comment - I prefer to spritz/spray - or mop. There are a number of good formulas for this.( Pick one you like the sound of when you read the ingredients- I like the sound of Jaxon's recipe...)
By not wrapping ribs, it is more likely that you will develop a bark that has bit more depth, surface char, and a "bite" or slight crunch to it. As well - the meat can be done more to an "al dente" firmness  a little easier. Still moist - but not fall off the bone tender.....

Now - to confuse the issue completely - either method can yield great ribs - and either method - depending on time and temperature can give you more firm al dente ribs - or the fall off the bone ribs. But - it is easier to create fall off the bone ribs if you wrap.

Now...where is Sparky when we need a rib specialist....? :D
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: smokendevo on April 30, 2014, 10:13:06 PM
Last i read he was leaning to tenpoint5s way of thinking
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: sparky on April 30, 2014, 10:22:43 PM
howdy.  i use two layers of alum when i wrap my ribs.   butter, honey and brown sugar is what i use.  then i put them back meat side down.  so all the goodness is next to the meat.  2 hours naked, 1 hour wrapped and 30 - 45 minutes unwrapped w/ the juice from the foil poured back on the ribs meat side up.  yummy stuff.  i've been cooking my ribs big boy style for the last six months or so.  i like um that way w/ some sauce on top or cut them up and them drizzle the sauce on them.  what was the question again?   ???
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: spuds on April 30, 2014, 10:27:30 PM
With all this advice Im looking forward to being a rib chef,thank you all.
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: teesquare on April 30, 2014, 10:33:16 PM
howdy.  i use two layers of alum when i wrap my ribs.   butter, honey and brown sugar is what i use.  then i put them back meat side down.  so all the goodness is next to the meat.  2 hours naked, 1 hour wrapped and 30 - 45 minutes unwrapped w/ the juice from the foil poured back on the ribs meat side up.  yummy stuff.  i've been cooking my ribs big boy style for the last six months or so.  i like um that way w/ some sauce on top or cut them up and them drizzle the sauce on them.  what was the question again?   ???

And...there it is! :D :D :D
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: sliding_billy on April 30, 2014, 10:36:37 PM
I prefer not to wrap, but when I do I use heavy duty foil wrapped tight with brown sugar and apple cider.
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: africanmeat on May 01, 2014, 05:15:00 AM
Thanks to our experts  for this great info .

Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: CDN Smoker on May 01, 2014, 10:13:53 AM
Lots of great replies, thanks again.

If the weather holds I think ribs this weekend ;D
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: ACW3 on May 01, 2014, 10:34:12 AM
Good luck on the cook.  We will all be waiting for your pictures.

Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: squirtthecat on May 01, 2014, 10:41:52 AM

What they said!

At our BBQ Shop (shack..   ;)), we pile them 6 at a time in full sized foil pans, then cover tight with foil for an hour-ish ride in the smoker.

I do 18 rack batches, so that would require a lot of foil to wrap them individually.   ;D
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: hikerman on May 01, 2014, 10:51:41 AM
Great input from everyone! I love ribs done most ways.....it's just some are a bit better than others!!!!  :P
Good luck Drew on your rib cook this weekend buddy!
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: Las Vegan Cajun on May 01, 2014, 11:35:24 AM
Great input from everyone! I love ribs done most ways.....it's just some are a bit better than others!!!!  :P

X2 ;)
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: Las Vegan Cajun on May 01, 2014, 11:39:42 AM
Although I have seen ribs cooked by wrapping them, my son does his this way all the time, I have never tried it myself until recently and it was okay.  Personally I like the bark ribs get from not wrapping them, but I won't turn down a good slab of ribs that have been wrapped.
Title: Wrapping rib question
Post by: Pappymn on May 01, 2014, 05:25:26 PM
This rib talk is making me hungry. Have not made big boy ribs yet.....
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: HighOnSmoke on May 01, 2014, 05:36:36 PM
Great input from everyone! I love ribs done most ways.....it's just some are a bit better than others!!!!  :P

X2 ;)

X3     ;)
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: Tenpoint5 on May 01, 2014, 08:14:43 PM
When Don posted my thread he forgot the most important of that post. I am pretty sure even Sparky will agree with the missing statement.

That is a guide to help you get started making ribs. You then get to do all of the changes and tweekings that you want to make YOUR ribs YOURS!!
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: teesquare on May 01, 2014, 08:21:44 PM
When Don posted my thread he forgot the most important of that post. I am pretty sure even Sparky will agree with the missing statement.

That is a guide to help you get started making ribs. You then get to do all of the changes and tweekings that you want to make YOUR ribs YOURS!!

TRuer words were never written. Experiment. Try different methods.  You have access to a wealth of knowledge from guys like Tenpoint5 and Sparky - and many many others here. ;)
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: Tenpoint5 on May 01, 2014, 09:12:50 PM
When Don posted my thread he forgot the most important of that post. I am pretty sure even Sparky will agree with the missing statement.

That is a guide to help you get started making ribs. You then get to do all of the changes and tweekings that you want to make YOUR ribs YOURS!!

TRuer words were never written. Experiment. Try different methods.  You have access to a wealth of knowledge from guys like Tenpoint5 and Sparky - and many many others here. ;)

Yeah but MY ribs are still better than Sparky's!!! 8)
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: teesquare on May 01, 2014, 09:31:45 PM
 :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: aliengriller on May 01, 2014, 10:41:27 PM
OK--so I'll throw a monkey wrench in this entire post!   My 99 yr old father in law LOVES ribs, and the only day we can pry him out of his own house is to feed him Sunday dinner--more often ribs than not.   Because of church (9:00) A.M, our time is limited.   I rub the ribs the night before, wrap in plastic wrap, THEN, on Sunday morning they are put in the oven before we leave (about 8:30), roasting pan covered tightly in foil at 275.   When we get home, about 10:30, I go out, start the fire in my trusty CB940x, then when coals are ready, move them to the grill, uncovered, of course.   Add hickory chunks to the fire, which is pretty slow still, spritz them with apple cider a few times.   They form a good bark and he sits there and eats them like they were chocolate candy!   I know, somewhat out of the ordinary, but keeps him quite happy, and I have to say they aren't all that bad myself.   Prefer smoked all the way through, or the 3-2-1 method, but these are good.   
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: bigdaddydan on May 17, 2014, 02:00:38 PM
Well, lets see if I can help out here since my vacation away. First off, temperature is very important and also the direct/indirect is important. I personally cook ribs around 230 degrees. I cook them roughly 3 hours open, 2 hours wrapped, and maybe 20 minutes open again. We season our ribs only 30 minutes before they go on the smoker. after 3 hours of no peaking, we lay down 2 layers of heavy duty foil. We apply our layer of rib goo, lay the ribs on top of them bones side up (remove the black bits of marrow at the ends of the bones that can poke through the foil), apply another layer of rib goo to the back, seal the first layer of foil very tightly, then the next layer just as tight. The reason we seal them tight is because we are looking to "braise" them. If there's more room for air to circulate inside, you are steaming the ribs and you get a blow out (where the bones pokes through the meat). Our rib goo contains very little liquid because too much moisture also causes blow outs. After 2 hours of indirect cooking in foil, we open them up to test their doneness with a toothpick between the bones. You want some resistance, but you don't want it to fall through either. At this point, slater on a little sauce, make sure the heat is almost turn off and just let the little amount of sauce you apply set with the residual heat left in the smoker. After this, slice and enjoy the helk out of them.
     If you happen to use a dry cooker you can spritz them, but I chose not to because our smoker holds a lot of moisture.
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: nylic76 on May 17, 2014, 03:51:07 PM
So, bigdaddydan, what's in your rib goo?
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: bigdaddydan on May 18, 2014, 07:31:35 AM
I can't give you my current recipe because we still compete and do pretty well in competitions, including a couple weeks ago 1st place over some of the best in the country. What I will say from past experiences using Johnny Trigg's is apply a little layer of Parkay, a couple passes of honey, a little brown sugar, a dash of tiger sauce. When wrapping with this much sugar, you can easily char the meat side, so keep the temps lower and indirect. This is the most common wrap mixture trend out there that people use. Sorry I can't give out our current recipe.
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: RAD on May 18, 2014, 11:35:25 AM
Doing a rack now and most times I don't wrap but I going to pull the rack and wrap with some goo, Some of Sparky, some of bigdaddydan and little of my own.
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: Las Vegan Cajun on May 18, 2014, 12:12:06 PM
Doing a rack now and most times I don't wrap but I going to pull the rack and wrap with some goo, Some of Sparky, some of bigdaddydan and little of my own.

WOW That sounds like it's gonna be good, looking forward to seeing the pictures of them.  ;)
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: RAD on May 19, 2014, 06:13:42 PM
even had some for leftovers today  ;D

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: Las Vegan Cajun on May 19, 2014, 11:33:09 PM
Those leftovers look wonderful RAD.   ;)
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: muebe on May 20, 2014, 07:15:45 AM
You can send some of those leftovers my way ;)
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: bigdaddydan on May 20, 2014, 10:52:02 AM
Looks great, question is do you find you bettered your end product?
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: RAD on May 20, 2014, 06:08:22 PM
Looks great, question is do you find you bettered your end product?
To be honest I wouldn't say that they were better, but different. Next time I cook ribs who knows how I will do them. I don't think I cook ribs the same way two times in a row. I think I am going to try the recipe from "Cooking in the boys room" next, but won't know until I start trimming them. Not even sure how I will trim them until I pick-up the knife 
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: drholly on May 20, 2014, 11:50:45 PM
very nice. My DA likes them falling off the bone as well...
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: Las Vegan Cajun on May 21, 2014, 12:04:26 AM
Great looking ribs off of Old Smokey.  ;)
Title: Re: Wrapping rib question
Post by: TMB on May 21, 2014, 10:13:02 AM
Wish I could jump in and help, but I'm so use to cooking ribs with the SRG and TBE I'm still learning how to cook (as you said) Big Boy ribs.