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General => General Discussion & Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Pappymn on May 15, 2014, 09:19:13 PM

Title: Rabbits
Post by: Pappymn on May 15, 2014, 09:19:13 PM
I have a small lot in a city. I have been fighting rabbits for years. All winter long they chew on my bushes, all summer long they chew on my plants.

Just spent 10 minutes watching 6 of them scamper and play in my yard and my neighbors.  SIX OF THEM.

The live trap is coming out tomorrow. I don't have an appropriate gun to shoot them. Plus I am pretty sure in Minnesota they have more rights then I do ???

Any deterrents that you have used that you can recommend?

Only good rabbit is a dead rabbit.  :(
Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: CDN Smoker on May 15, 2014, 09:26:51 PM
Can't help ya Pappy. Seems to be more Rabbits around here also >:(

A pellet gun I would think would only hurt them not kill them.
Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: Smokin Don on May 15, 2014, 09:27:31 PM
BBQ them wabbits Pappy!!! Don
Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: nylic76 on May 15, 2014, 09:34:05 PM
Go to Walmart and buy a gallon of Liquid Fence deer and rabbitt
 repellent.  Even better, go to amazon and type liquid fence in search box.  Much better buy.  I buy the 40 oz concentrate.  No problems with deer or rabitts since I started using it.  Read the reviews on amazon.  Very positive.  WARNING!!!!  It is the most vile smelling stuff you've ever sniffed.  The smell is gone in a few hours.
Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: smokendevo on May 15, 2014, 09:38:31 PM
I used to snare rabbits when I was 12 or 13. Snare wire is cheep and they don't last very long after they get caught up in it. Rabbit stew is pretty good also if you are up to skinning them out. Its not everyones cup of tea but if you know what your doing you got some fine meat for the stew pot   ;)
Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: flbentrider on May 15, 2014, 09:56:05 PM
I was thinking a marinade and a spice rub, a couple of hours @ 225F ought to to do it. :)
Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: Saber 4 on May 15, 2014, 10:09:34 PM
Dem Wascally Wabbits need to be cooked up for sure. A good high velocity pellet gun will give you a one shot kill with no problems as long as it doesn't violate a season or shooting in city limits ban.
Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: TwoPockets on May 15, 2014, 10:26:51 PM
Get the trap, they cook up really good, tasty animals. The squeaky noises they make while you are killing them are a little unsettling but the taste is worth it.

Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: Las Vegan Cajun on May 15, 2014, 11:49:01 PM
Get yourself an Irish Setter, they love to chase rabbits.  ;)
Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: sparky on May 16, 2014, 12:20:26 AM
that sucks.  you don't have a dog.  my dogs would love to play w/ little furry things.   ::)
Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: pz on May 16, 2014, 12:55:43 AM
We don't have rabbits, but for the past couple of decades we have had squirrel problems.  They would bark at us in the hot tub (with that awful grating sound they make) and throw pine cones down at us from the conifers (those dang cones hurt when they fall that far).  We put up with all that for the longest time, but one day about 5 years ago I purchased a small BB pistol (the kind you can see the BB come out the barrel), thinking that we'd deter them from staying so close.  I shot one that was barking (literally only 10 feet away), and he just ran up the tree and kept barking.  The next day we discovered that he'd torn up the seat cushions on our deck furniture.

That was the last straw - off to Cabela's to purchase a sniper pellet rifle.  Several years, and a couple of hundred dead squirrels later, this year so far, our back yard is completely free of the pests.  If you go the pellet gun route, I'd recommend paying a little extra for the hunting pellets - the accuracy is astounding.

Funny side story - some time ago we had the tree guys come out to cut down 4 extremely large conifers - that morning I'd shot a squirrel and forgot that it was at the base of a tree (I'd not had the chance to remove it) - the tree guy simply remarked "I sure am glad that I'm not a squirrel!".  Evidently I'm not the only squirrel hater in these neck of the woods.
Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: sliding_billy on May 16, 2014, 04:26:09 AM
A good cat will get rid of them for you.
Title: Rabbits
Post by: Northshore on May 16, 2014, 08:31:05 AM
Those high powered pellet guns are great BUT they can be as loud as a 22.
Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: ACW3 on May 16, 2014, 08:40:04 AM
There are pellet guns out there in either .177 or .22 caliber that come with "silencers" on them.  They are pretty quiet, and accurate, too. 

Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: Las Vegan Cajun on May 16, 2014, 10:34:55 AM
Several years ago we had a horrible pigeon problem around here.  Some of my neighbors and I had a blast taking care of the pigeon problem with our high powered pellet rifles.  Even my co-workers, living on the opposite of town, engaged in the sport of urban pigeon hunting.  We would look forward to going to work just to swap stories of the pigeons we assaulted over the weekend.  We finally eliminated the pigeon problem, but that also eliminated our fun of blasting those pesky little @&$%#&$@ off of the rooftops of our homes.
Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: Smokin Soon on May 16, 2014, 08:01:02 PM
Those high powered pellet guns are great BUT they can be as loud as a 22.

If you wanted to take baby steps, get an old school pellet rifle, multiple pumps. Sometimes a good butt shot to a few will get the word out, this is not the place to be. I use one on Feral Cats. 3 pumps makes one do double backflip with no harm. They get the clue. If that does not get the message across, Pump it up!!!!
Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: smokendevo on May 16, 2014, 08:10:39 PM
Five years ago my daughter and son-in-law bought a house just on the edge of town. They did lots of yard work and planted cedar trees from walmart. They guaranteed the trees would not die so every year when the deer come and strip them down, Mike my son in law just goes and gets new ones  ;D.
Now this year my daughter decided to plant a new garden of flowers. It was going to be cold that night so she planned on coveing them up for the night so frost would not get them.......she didn't figure on the deer having their veggies  :o

Title: Re: Rabbits
Post by: drholly on May 17, 2014, 01:30:32 AM
I have a small lot in a city. I have been fighting rabbits for years. All winter long they chew on my bushes, all summer long they chew on my plants.

Just spent 10 minutes watching 6 of them scamper and play in my yard and my neighbors.  SIX OF THEM.

The live trap is coming out tomorrow. I don't have an appropriate gun to shoot them. Plus I am pretty sure in Minnesota they have more rights then I do ???

Any deterrents that you have used that you can recommend?

Only good rabbit is a dead rabbit.  :(

Hey Pappy,

You probably "met" Roscoe when you came by a few months ago. He is about 18 months old - a mix of shepherd, lab, pug and huskie. He is about 75 pounds and all bark.... We used to have a rabbit family living under our deck... a real problem... no longer...  ;D ;) ;D