Author Topic: BEESR - brisket  (Read 1072 times)

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Offline tintucan

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BEESR - brisket
« Reply #-1 on: June 20, 2016, 01:07:43 PM »
I did my first (ever in my entire life) brisket on Saturday in the BEESR for my dad's Father's Day lunch on Sunday.  Reheated in crock pot while we were at church.  Everyone like it but I'm sure that there's some room for improvement.  I'm not very experienced using my BEESR.  I forgot to take a final picture but I did take one somewhere during the cooking time.

I preheated the BEESR and had a combination of mesquite chips and cherry wood chips in the smoker compartment thing.  I let it heat up 15 minutes on Level 15 and then put the brisket kinda high up in the basket.  I let it go for about 15 minutes on Level 15 and then took it down to Level 5.  I really didn't realize it would take so long so for the last two hours I had it on Level 6 trying to speed it up a little because I needed to get to another commitment.  Poor planning on my part but live and learn.  The whole thing took nearly 8 hours to cook.

So I didn't think that I was getting a whole lot of smoke with the Level 5 & 6 but I keep reading that briskets are to be cooked low & slow.  Probably I don't understand the whole smoke thing.  I could see that eventually the wood chips were all gone so obviously they burned but did it really create any smoke for the meat?  Should I have cooked it longer on Level 15 at the beginning?  Is Level 5 the ideal level for the majority of the cooking time?

I would be interested in hearing what others think is a good approach to doing brisket in the BEESR.  Thank you.

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Granny:  "I don't own the house in town anymore do I?
Me:  "No ma'am."
Granny:  "I guess I should sell it."
Me:  "I guess so.  Let me know how that works out."