Author Topic: Does twice as much taste twice as good?  (Read 915 times)

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Offline Albert Rivera

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Does twice as much taste twice as good?
« Reply #-1 on: January 14, 2014, 11:41:12 PM »
My thoughts are that without good health, quality of life is diminished. I also believe that there is a good possibility that being overweight is tough on the body, be it cardio, skeletal or muscular. Further, I concede morbidity is not a pleasant topic for any of us to entertain.

It is very plausible there is not going to be much disagreement that everyone is afflicted with what we know as "the fatal human condition". In view of our finite custody of this vessel that can be tendered preventative ongoing care; there is definitely opportunity to be better stewards of our gift.

At the young age of 12 or 13, my son determined that he felt that when we took him shopping for his clothes he was going to eliminate the negative passions he experienced when we would ask sales clerks where the "children's husky department" was. He began a self imposed life-long effort to reach and maintain a healthy body through proper eating, exercise.

To the many of us that are genetically predisposed to more readily gain and maintain those extra pounds, I ask you to join me in acknowledging that it is easier said than done! However if the possibility exist that having lower body mass is probably of more benefit and value than not; then you may agree any effort to reverse a decline of healthy habits might be in order.

I asked my son if he had some good advice for his challenged patients about proper eating and he quickly responded "eat less"!

There is not any sarcasm, ridicule nor criticism intended with my thoughts and comments and if for any reason I have offended anyone; I sincerely ask for your forgiveness.

As a senior citizen my struggle with weight management, has become more difficult for me. More recently my thoughts turn to what most of us Americans experience from this very common incidence of obesity.

There is no motive for me to suspect that I am all of a sudden going to decide that food is not supposed to taste good, or that I don't enjoy outdoor cooking! I love to eat! (nothing new to any of us ,huh?)

I am reminded of the thought that a man with one million acres probably has a good reason to be happy... so is a man with two million acres twice as happy?

Here is what I would like to do: become more sensitive to the notion that if I am going to be a good steward of God's gift of good health. I don't have to continue overeating! Food is not going to taste twice as good simply because I eat twice what is reasonable.

Please feel comfortable offering encouragement or you if you think it is within your understanding to offer added value to this post.
God bless you,

Offline muebe

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Re: Does twice as much taste twice as good?
« on: January 14, 2014, 11:57:34 PM »
Albert in November of 2012 I made a decision to start running again. I lost 35lbs doing so and did not change my diet.

The key to losing weight is simple... Exercise.

It is hard work. You can lose weight cutting back food but that does not mean you will be healthy.

Exercise is what your body needs to help burn calories. You will burn more calories even while resting. And best of all you will feel 400% better. And sleep better. And still enjoy your favorite foods ;)

I can honestly say that I look forward to running and I find it much easier than dieting! Diets do not work for me!
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Offline pz

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Re: Does twice as much taste twice as good?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2014, 12:43:59 AM »
When i was young, I could eat whatever I liked in whatever quantity I desired all without the consequence of adding a single ounce of weight.  Each decade subsequent to heading into my 40's was more of a challenge to the rate of my calorie consumption.  Now as I head into my 60's, I have to watch my intake, but I have convinced myself that I'd rather feel hungry than feel too full.  This probably isn't going to help too many people, but there are only two ways to prevent weight gain - reduce caloric intake, or as muebe stated, increase calorie consumption (exercise).  For most folks, moderation is the key - increase exercise while decreasing the amount of food intake.

Offline sliding_billy

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Re: Does twice as much taste twice as good?
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2014, 02:46:46 AM »
I'll be honest... I am one that eating more does make it taste better.  I also am an obsessive exerciser and limit those times when I eat more (typically) to once a week and limit the carbs as much as possible.  The rest of the week I keep a regimented low calorie/low fat/high protein healthy diet.  Ultimately, the key to it all is the exercise.
Custom Offset/GMG Davy Crockett/Vision Kamado/Blackstone 36"/Weber 22" "redhead"/ WSM 14.5" X2/Jumbo Joe/Pit Boss Copperhead/KCBS

Offline Hub

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Re: Does twice as much taste twice as good?
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2014, 07:59:31 AM »
There are lots of different diet regimens out there and a lot of them work.  As pointed out above, exercise is a worthy addition to one's daily routine for those who are capable.  I try to keep things simple, however.

I eat anything I want, but I monitor the calories and the percentage of calories from fat.  I also count carbs but don't sweat complex carbs as much as the pure sugar ones.  Via this method I never have cravings because I can eat some of what I crave.  Friends of mine who diet by "eliminating" bread, red meat, desserts, etc., totally from their diet are always fixated on what they can't have so they ultimately binge on it and either gain weight or need to take cholesterol or blood pressure pills (or worse, find another fad diet).  Counting calories, fat percentages and carbs is easy -- read labels or look up raw, unprepared foods on the Internet then keep a log of them with totals.  Takes about two minutes a day.

Exercise is free if you can walk.  No investment in a treadmill required unless you just want one.  I try to log at least two miles most days.  I walk downtown and all around, only taking the boring exercise trails when they are convenient.  All of the near death experiences with cell phone using drivers keep my adrenaline level high  ::).  I also entertain the folks who hang out around the courthouse by shouting "corrective instructions" at the drivers who ignore the yield to pedestrian signs.  Life is as entertaining as you want to make it  ;D

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Offline smokeasaurus

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Re: Does twice as much taste twice as good?
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2014, 08:09:04 AM »
Be active. Start off slow. Warm up before any exercise. Stretch when you are done. Don't push yourself when starting out. "Rome was not built in a day" It is a journey and a steady path will render the best results. Also, talk to your physician before starting any exercise program.

Good Luck, you can do it.
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Offline sliding_billy

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Re: Does twice as much taste twice as good?
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2014, 08:30:30 AM »
Be active. Start off slow. Warm up before any exercise. Stretch when you are done. Don't push yourself when starting out. "Rome was not built in a day" It is a journey and a steady path will render the best results. Also, talk to your physician before starting any exercise program.

Good Luck, you can do it.

That sounded like a pharmaceutical commercial Smoke.  :D
Custom Offset/GMG Davy Crockett/Vision Kamado/Blackstone 36"/Weber 22" "redhead"/ WSM 14.5" X2/Jumbo Joe/Pit Boss Copperhead/KCBS

Offline Tenpoint5

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Re: Does twice as much taste twice as good?
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2014, 09:12:07 AM »
I agree with all of the above. However! I opted to remove just one thing from my diet. And only one thing. Soda Pop. By switching to water, beer, iced tea, chrystal light flavored water. I didn't change my habits in any way. Dropped 31 pounds in a year. Of course the Doc wasn't happy with that. Want's me to drop another 25.

Don't fall for the I'll drink Diet or use artificial sweeteners. They are more harmful than good. Not because of what they are made of but how your body reacts to them. You drink them in a diet soda. Your brain registers that sugars are entering the body so it releases stuff to remove the sugars in the blood. There isn't any because of the artificial stuff so it removes what sugars are in the blood stream. So the end result is you have Low blood sugar. Now the brain says LOW BLOOD SUGAR we need to eat. So you eat more. I know this all scientific and stuff but you get the jist!
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Offline Saber 4

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Re: Does twice as much taste twice as good?
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2014, 09:40:55 AM »
I agree with all of the above. However! I opted to remove just one thing from my diet. And only one thing. Soda Pop. By switching to water, beer, iced tea, chrystal light flavored water. I didn't change my habits in any way. Dropped 31 pounds in a year. Of course the Doc wasn't happy with that. Want's me to drop another 25.

Don't fall for the I'll drink Diet or use artificial sweeteners. They are more harmful than good. Not because of what they are made of but how your body reacts to them. You drink them in a diet soda. Your brain registers that sugars are entering the body so it releases stuff to remove the sugars in the blood. There isn't any because of the artificial stuff so it removes what sugars are in the blood stream. So the end result is you have Low blood sugar. Now the brain says LOW BLOOD SUGAR we need to eat. So you eat more. I know this all scientific and stuff but you get the jist!

I agree with everything Chris has said and I do something similar to what Hub described to keep my diabetes under control. 4 years ago I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes, I needed medicine for the blood pressure but not much and the doctor offered me a choice of taking pills for the diabetes or getting my eating under control. I chose the eating control method recommended by the American Diabetes Assoc/American Heart Assoc. and it worked for me, I lost 50 lbs. in 4 months by eating every 3 hours and controlling the portions, especially the carbs. After I lost the weight I was able to get back to exercising to keep my heart and other components healthy.  Like Chris I stopped drinking my favorite Dr. Pepper and took it a step farther and now drink primarily water w/lime juice, black coffee, unsweet tea, and an occasional Michelob Ultra low carb beer. Like Hub I don't deprive myself of anything I want to eat but instead of eating 8 pieces of fried chicken every couple of days I eat 2 pieces once or twice a month, if I want dessert I don't eat it after a meal I wait 3 hours till my snack time and eat one brownie instead of a plate.

For me this has worked and I have not had any blood sugar tests that were above normal in 4 years and it has spurred me on to be more creative with my smoking and cooking since I am eating smaller portions I want each serving to pack as much flavor and satisfaction as possible. I hope this helps and if you want more specifics PM me and I will be happy to help in any way I can. :)

Offline Pam Gould

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Re: Does twice as much taste twice as good?
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2014, 10:03:08 AM »
It's all about moderation. I am a diabetic, have been for 22 years and it's tough, but do-able.  I had gastric bypass surgery 10 years ago which allowed me to get off 9 Rx's the day of surgery. I was exactly 100 lbs overweight. I lost 80 lbs and have kept it off. I am surprised at how little I eat. Maybe 2 oz. of meat at a time, but I can eat anything. Just not much. I checked with specialists before making this decision and it was the best option for me. It is a struggle but the surgery is just a tool to use. To lose weight I just need to eat proteins. Easier said than done. Again do-able.
I eat whatever I crave, just a couple of bites does it. Just enough to get rid of the cravings. I am an awesome baker, modesty showing here, I cook lots and grill lots too. I find that grilling does me better, calorie wise. I like simple foods, I like the taste without sauces, they are on the side. So do what works for you because we are all different.
Pam  .☆´¯`•.¸¸. ི♥ྀ.
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Offline smokeasaurus

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Re: Does twice as much taste twice as good?
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2014, 02:58:58 PM »
Be active. Start off slow. Warm up before any exercise. Stretch when you are done. Don't push yourself when starting out. "Rome was not built in a day" It is a journey and a steady path will render the best results. Also, talk to your physician before starting any exercise program.

Good Luck, you can do it.

That sounded like a pharmaceutical commercial Smoke.  :D

 :D :D :D :D
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Offline tlg4942

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Re: Does twice as much taste twice as good?
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2014, 03:35:07 PM »
 Exercise works for me... Now to discipline myself to do it is the hardest part. 
 I agree with 10.5, I stopped drinking soda's and cut way down on alcohol a few months back. I have done nothing else different and am in need of a downsize for my pants now. 
 I need to add a couple mile walk every day.
Terry "Way down in Alabama"

Offline Albert Rivera

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Re: Does twice as much taste twice as good?
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2014, 08:17:56 PM »
Terry (TLG4942), I concur exercise is a vital component of any sound regimen.

It has been about one year since the local gym changed hands and in the course of changes made for the better they did away with a program I had done for about four years called Insanity.

We had a very small class of 7-8 that had been together the four years. Every so often we changed up and did something called circuit where we did various exercises interspersed with an extreme aerobic station.

I really enjoyed my three weekly sessions and always felt that I was "fat but fit". Since then I have done nothing at all except continue to eat at the same level or maybe more since I started my cooking hobby with you guys. As a consequence I have gained several pounds and have graduated to the honorary designation of obese according to MBI.

Visiting the doctor has been my practice and this year did a cardio stress test and while chatting with the Doctor we went past recommended limits on the treadmill without realizing it because surprisingly I still have some degree fitness left.

My father-in-law passed away at the age of 93 (dementia/Alzheimer's?), however he stayed physically active on the farm/property until he was close to 85. He used to come over to my house to do chores like trim branches off trees and the like. He would take the chain saw away from me and would say "here let me help you with this, I have more practice". That man chased calves at my age and did not miss a beat... he worked hard all his life.

When I first met him he still raised cows and would always have a freezer full of beef. I well remember the day he placed what appeared to be a 50lb steak on my plate and the same for himself. I thought to myself, if that old man (probably 55 years old at the time) can eat all of that so can I! Last time I TRIED too!

The point being is we are all different and there is no set diet, or level of activity that will absolutely guarantee longevity... look at him it all came to roost and it prematurely killed him at the young age of 93!
God bless you,