Author Topic: Boneless Butt Capacity?  (Read 2619 times)

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Offline PapaBob

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Re: Boneless Butt Capacity?
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2017, 01:36:21 PM »
SuttonCharles... couple ofhoughts from my behemoth cook...
1.  Get the pork as close to room temp as you can.  I left mine out of the fridge for about an hour
2.  Make a good fire in the pit.  A full chimney of coals on top of full basket of unlit coals.  Add your smoke.
3.  Put the pork on its side or otherwise it won't fit.
4.  Probe and when they hit about 120 flip them to the other side and take it to 160 ish.  (By the end of step 4 you should right around the 12 beer mark!)
5. At the end of step four, add your steaming juices like the video says, tightly double layer wrap the pork and place in. 300 degree oven.
6.  While it is finishing, it's time for a 2 hour head clearing nap.
7.  By this time it should be about 200-205 and ready to pull.
8.  And you will be ready to finish the rest of that case!

Good luck and enjoy the PBC,

Offline Suttoncharles

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Re: Boneless Butt Capacity?
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2017, 08:31:53 AM »
Thank you for the reply. I decided to only cook 3 butts. (2 8.b lb and a 10lb) I hung them until they hit 160 then foiled and finished in the oven. Timing wise it was a total of 9 hours cooking. I put them on at 3:00AM and they came out of the oven at 12:00 then sat in a cooler until about 3:00 PM when I pulled and served. Funny story - The neighbors kids were having a sleep out in the yard. They called the fire department at 2:30AM because my Chimney starter had flames shooting out of it. That was great times explaining to the FD what was going on in the middle of the night.

Offline PapaBob

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Re: Boneless Butt Capacity?
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2017, 07:22:09 PM »
Great story....another benefit of the PBC...I hope you invited the fire department back for a snack!